
Grade 6: Original song and Video Karaoke of the song

Hi 6th graders,

Please practise a little bit at home with this video karaoke link on Utube.

It's the same one we will use for the Christmas performance.

Original: Band Aid: Do they know it's Christmas

Karaoke:  Band Aid: Do they know it's Christmas

Grade 4: Video Karaoke of the Christmas Song

Hi 4th graders!

Please click on the link below; it's the karaoke version of the song we are going to sing on the Christmas Performance.
Please, practise a little bit at home too...

Please click on this link:          Someday at Christmas

Grade 2: Karaoke video to help you practise the Christmas song

Hi 2nd graders!

This is the link to the Utube Karaoke version we will use at the Christmas Performance.

Start practising :)


Click on this link:       War is over - Happy Xmas         

1st grade : Video to help your child prepare the Xmas song.

Dear 1st Graders' parents.

For the Christmas performance, Grade 1 will sing the following song.
I have already given them their parts but, as you already know, the little ones could always use some extra help :)

Please, click on the link below. It has the lyrics on the screen as well:

I'm getting nuttin for Christmas                               

Musical Students of the month

Every month we will have one student from each grade winning the "Musical Student of the month" award.

It's not always about being the best student in music class; it's about how hard you try to get better and better in music. And of course, mistakes don't count; it's a great thing to do mistakes actually, because
in that way we know that you are trying and, especially in Art, mistakes help you  develop your abilities.

For this month the Musical Students are:

Grade 1 :   Joey
Grade 2:    Ee Heng
Grade 3:    Annie
Grade 4:    Kevin
Grade 5:    Bryan Kang
Grade 6:    Tusmitha

May the music show you always the way! :)

Thanksgiving diner

A great Thanksgiving lunch  and a great afternoon!   Thank you all, students and parents!


Grade 5

Music Theory

On Monday we will practise again with the intervals focusing this time on the ear training and learning how to identify them by just listening to them.

Music History

During our Music History lesson we will start presenting your homework on the music motives.
As you already know, the best and funniest presentation on this very important element of music composition will be awarded with a Slurpee :)

We will also be discussing our Christmas Celebration Performance, please come with suggestions on songs you like to perform.

Grade 4

Music Theory

Starting on Monday we will revise what we already know about Semitones and Tones and we will practise Melodic Dictation level 4. Please, make sure that the homework I'll give you tomorrow, you bring it on next Monday, November 28th.

Music History

Don't forget! You have a test on the whole chapter of Renaissance Music Period (n2). Please, study the special notes I made for you and also the note that you kept during our lessons.
If you have any questions, make sure that you come to me before the test (or write me an email).

Grade 3

Music Theory:

This week we will be learning the Tones and the Semitones and how can we create them using the accidentals.
I'll give you some worksheets to practice on home too (due date: Monday, November 28th)

Music History:

Cello, lesson 1.

We will discuss about Christmas Celebration Day, so please be prepared to come with suggestions :)

Grade 1: Week 3 and 4.

Dear parents,

the previous week we've continued revising Do,Re,Mi,Fa  on the music stave and with different basic rhythm durations.

Your kid should be able by now to identify these 4 notes easily and to understand the difference between a whole note, a half note and a quarter note.

 Music theory in grade 1 is always fun, because little students learn more easily when they enjoy the lesson. Therefore, we play a lot of music games in the classroom and we have a lot of ear training drills as well.

It would be a great help though, if you could revise with them during the weekend the notes; music lesson is only twice a week and only one day is dedicated to  music theory.

Next week we will start learning the Sol note on the second line of the music stave.

Your child will be given on Monday November 21st,  2 homework sheets to practise with the note Sol and to revise everything else. The due date is Monday November 28th.

Music History: 
We've started listening through Disney'sanimated clips/movies famous classical music pieces, such as "Pines of Rome", "Rhapsody in Blue", "The Carnival of the Animals" etc.



Hello 6th graders:

Your test on Physics in Music and Intervals/Inversions will take place on Tuesday, November 22nd, 13:10 - 14:00.

Please, study the notes I gave you up to sound pressure, all the cymatics and the diagram of the human ear and also study all the notes you kept by yourself during our lessons.
For the human ear, you need to remember where is the:
auditory canal
cochlea and
auditory nerve

Also you need to remember the difference between a HERTZ  unit and a Db unit.

Your test will include a section where you have to identify correctly a musical interval as per size and type in order to use the correct ratio type for the frequencies.

Thank you all!


Amendment: Grade 6

Test on Thursday is postponed.

We have to finish first the cymatics chapter and then we will have our test. I 'll let you know the exact date.
Please, let me know if you have any questions on the intervals and on the first chapter of hearing.



Hi 6th graders.

During next week we will revise the intervals and finish  lesson 1 in Hearing Chapter (Physics of Music).

On Thursday, November 16th you will have a test on chapter 1 and all the intervals.


Hi 5th graders!

On Monday, November 14th we will start exercising our ears with the Auralia Software on Interval Recognition.
As you already know, knowing how to identify the intervals only theoretically won't help you become better musicians!
Ear training is very important in our musical progress!

On Friday, November 17th we will start a new chapter in Music Analysis .
We will learn how to identify the motives in Music.


Hi 4th graders!

On Monday, November 14th we will have a music ear training test on melodic dictation level 3.

On Wednesday we will have our final Renaissance lesson.  Get prepared for a test on Renaissance on November 23rd.


Hi 3rd graders!

Just a brief reminder for next week's music lessons (November 14th - 18th)

On Monday, November 14th we will have a music ear training test on melodic dictation level 2.

On Wednesday, November 16th we will have a music history test on violin. Please, study the notes I've given you and any other notes you kept during our lessons.


Notes for the 1st graders to review music

Lines and spaces of the musical stave.

A whole note is 4 beats

A half note is 2 beats

A quarter note is 1 beat

Note how we write DO, RE and MI on a musical stave


Musical Student of the Month

Starting this month, Music will join in the monthly assembly by giving a special Music Award to one student of each grade who shows progress, creativity and inspires all the others to try more in music lesson.
You will be given the chance to earn a Helping Hand for the monthly lottery too, by helping your classmates to improve in music.
More details in this week's music lessons :)

Grade 5: Retaking the music test

Hi 5th graders!

A brief reminder that next week during our Music Theory Lesson (Monday, November 7th) you need to retake the intervals test (everyone except the students who had more than 60%)
60% is the lowest level (anyone who has a lower percentage fails the test).
I'm giving you a second chance because it's important that you feel comfortable with the size, type and inversion of the intervals. Later on, when we learn the Major and minor diatonic scales, you'll see that the more you know about the intervals the easiest will be to handle the scales :)


Pop Singing Club performing for October's Assebly at the library.

Shawn, Leo and Jonathan in singing Linkin' Park.

..your turn, Jonathan!


Alkmini in "Firework" by Kate Perry

Alice in "Love story" by Taylor Swift


Grade 6: October 17-21

Music Theory:

Pop quiz on harmonic minors.


Music Analysis:

We talked about "Music Strata (Stratification)" and the use of layers in music.
We talked about "Motives" (Motif) and "Leitmotivs" in a music composition.

HOMEWORK: Please check your inbox, you homework and the links you are going to need to do are already been sent to your account. Make sure you reply to me via email your answers and you write down them down on your Music Analysis notebook.
Due date: Thursday November 3rd.

Grade 5: October 17 - 21

Music Theory:

We had a test on all the intervals as per size and quality.

Music Analysis:

We read the 2nd chapter of the book "The Music Lesson" by Victor.L. Wooten.
We discussed about music density.

HOMEWORK FOR NEXT WEEK: Send to me 2 or 3  links of different music density. The first has to be in the original instrumentation, then everything else needs to be performed by different instruments.
We will start presenting you work to class next time we have Music Analysis lesson (after the mid-semester brake)
Due date: By Friday November 4th.

Grade 4: October 17 - 21

Music Theory:

We started practising on Melodic Dictation which requires to understand the pitch of the notes and also the duration. We were so good that we easily passed to level 2!
Congratulations grade 4 for your effort and positive energy this week!


Music History:

We continued our trip to the Renaissance era of music. We talked about how the rise of "Individualisim" helped music and we learned about the ancestors of piano.


Grade 3: October 17 -21

Music Theory:

We practised Rhythmic Dictation level 3 and 4.


Music History:

We started talking about "Violin". We learned the frist name of violin (vitula) and we learned how does our body shape, hight, age genre and country affects our voice pitch.
We played a game in class trying to guess who is going to have the lower or the higher pitched voice.


Grade 2 : October 17 -21

Grade 2 practising "Purple People Eater"

No homework for next week !

Grade 1: October 17 - 21

Music Theory:

We learned the notes DO, RE, MI and the correct placement on the stave.  We played games based on the basic note's duration (whole note, half note and quarter note) and we practised writing the notes in all the forms.

Music History:

We started doing exercises on "Peter and the Wolf" project.
We listened to the main melodies and tried to guess for what character the melody was written. We learned which instrument in the orchestra plays which character ( for example: the flute represents the bird).


Grade 6: Everything we've learned this week!

Music Theory:

Harmonic minor scales: How are they related with the Majors and what we have to do in order to find their root note. We talked about sharp mode harmonic minors and the special relationship between the VI - VII degree (3 semitones) .
Briefly, in sharp mode harmonic minors, we use all the sharps of the related Major and we add an extra sharp on the leading note. If the leading note has a sharp, then we add one more ( double sharp: X )

Homework for next Tuesday, October 11th: Write all the harmonic minor scales related to the sharp Major scales. Use your circle of fifth for the sharps needed and add one more at the LN.

Music History:

Discussion on the music density presentations.
Common trap of the density: Image of the performer. What happens if we judge the music using first our eyes and not our ears?

Grade 5: Everything we've learned this week!

Music Theory:

This week we talked about 6th and 7th intervals. We learned an easy way to calculate the quality of big in size intervals (such as 6th and 7ths) by inverting them.
If, for any reason, you haven't taken the analytical list of the intervals' inversion, please come and ask me for a copy. It will help you practise for the Test on Intervals, on October 17th.

For this test, you need to study all the intervals, 2- 7 (as per type and size) and to know how to invert them (for example: if we invert a 7th interval Major, we get a 2nd interval minor)

Music History:

We examined the male vocal range, and we saw several videos with tenors, baritones and bass men singing in order to comprehend the differences.
We also had a pop quiz on the musical textures. (We saw 5 videos and we tried to understand in which texture they belonged)

Grade 4: Everything we've learned this week!

Music Theory:

This week we had a quiz on rhythmic dictation (basic patterns, basic time signature).
I have already corrected them and given them their score.
Please make sure you return them signed.

Music History:

This week we started a new chapter in Music History: Renaissance.
We talked about some new inventions that changed the path of Music.
We discussed about famous Art Works  from Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo and great theatrical plays of Shakespeare that helped the music composers to create more interesting and inspired music.

No homework for 4th graders .

Grade 3: Everything we've learned this week!

Music Theory:

This week we started basic rhythmic  dictation.
It is essential for all the students in Music to learn not only the theory but ways to apply their knowledge; by learning how to write the rhythm while listening to it, they will be able to write down every new rhythmic pattern they have in their mind.

Music History:

This week we have finished watching and listening to the sound of some basic musical instruments.
I have given to the 3rd graders a homework for brasses, (similar to the strings and woodwinds) which will help them to remember everything we said at the class.
Next Wednesday, October 12th we have a test on the 3 categories of the music instruments (except percussion)


Grade 2: Everything we learned this week!

Music Theory:

This week we had a test on accidentals. I've returned the test to all the students.
Please, make sure you've signed them.

Music History:

This week we had a test on basic comprehension of the musical instruments.
Please, make sure you've signed them.

No homework for 2nd graders for next week.

Grade 1: Everything we learned this week!

Music Theory

This week we discovered one more musical key, the Bass Clef. We learned how to draw it on the stave and then we practised writing both clefs and notes on our music stave book.

Music History

This week we had a test on the basic instruments.

Grade 1 has no homework for next week.


Pre - K in action!

Dear parents,

This week we started learning how to identify the sound of ORF non melodic instruments, through fun games.
We learned to combine sound with specific basic shapes (such as a blue cloud, a green tree, a brown house or an orange sun).
Enjoy your little ones, as they are learning music:

First we all agree on a shape for each instrument
 ...then it's time for fun!

listening to the sound and try to guess the correct shape...

the green tree is the right shape for the wooden sticks!

and a cloud for the sand blocks!

 maracas come with a red circle

what is for the orange sun?

 I got everything correct!

...let's put that back!

 Bells for the brown house...

 excellent choice Lucy!