
Grade 6: Everything we've learned this week!

Music Theory:

Harmonic minor scales: How are they related with the Majors and what we have to do in order to find their root note. We talked about sharp mode harmonic minors and the special relationship between the VI - VII degree (3 semitones) .
Briefly, in sharp mode harmonic minors, we use all the sharps of the related Major and we add an extra sharp on the leading note. If the leading note has a sharp, then we add one more ( double sharp: X )

Homework for next Tuesday, October 11th: Write all the harmonic minor scales related to the sharp Major scales. Use your circle of fifth for the sharps needed and add one more at the LN.

Music History:

Discussion on the music density presentations.
Common trap of the density: Image of the performer. What happens if we judge the music using first our eyes and not our ears?

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