
Grade 1: Week 3 and 4.

Dear parents,

the previous week we've continued revising Do,Re,Mi,Fa  on the music stave and with different basic rhythm durations.

Your kid should be able by now to identify these 4 notes easily and to understand the difference between a whole note, a half note and a quarter note.

 Music theory in grade 1 is always fun, because little students learn more easily when they enjoy the lesson. Therefore, we play a lot of music games in the classroom and we have a lot of ear training drills as well.

It would be a great help though, if you could revise with them during the weekend the notes; music lesson is only twice a week and only one day is dedicated to  music theory.

Next week we will start learning the Sol note on the second line of the music stave.

Your child will be given on Monday November 21st,  2 homework sheets to practise with the note Sol and to revise everything else. The due date is Monday November 28th.

Music History: 
We've started listening through Disney'sanimated clips/movies famous classical music pieces, such as "Pines of Rome", "Rhapsody in Blue", "The Carnival of the Animals" etc.

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