
Our very first week in music class: GRADE 2

Tuesday, August31st, was 2nd grade's very first meeting with music class. 
We were briefly introduced to the music seesions we are going to attend for the first semester and we introduced ourselves with a sound game: Each one of us had to tell his name and then make a sound. Then, next student had to call the name of the previous one, make his/her sound and then introduce himself with the same way. The third on the row had to remember all the previous names and sounds and etc...We had a lot of fun!
After that, everyone got a music notebook. We are going to use thiw notebook in our Music Theory session.
Friday, September 3rd: Our first Ear Training Lesson. We learned what is a music interval (the distance between two musical notes).
 The ascending intervals: are the intervals that go UP and the descenting intervals: the intervals that go DOWN. To practise our new knowledge and to train our ear we had our first Auralia software fun game: 
The interval comparison game: we had to decide whether one interval was larger or smaller than the other. In level 1 both intervals start with the same note, are ascending from the first note and are smallet than one octave. We did so well in level 1 (10/10) that we decided to switch to level 2 where both intervals may be either ascending or descending (still using the same direction).
We are all very talented cause we made it in both of the levels, so our score was 100% !
After that, we learned how to perform basic orchestra sychronization and the "sing and pause" mode with the "Yellow submarine" song and the "All together now" song.
Well done everyone! 

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