
Our very first week in music class: GRADE 1

Our very first week was so fun!
Here is a brief look of what we learned in our music lessons:

Our very first meeting was on Tuesday, August 31st. 
We learned that there is a music world with special houses for the music notes that they are called "stuffs". We also learned that the notes have to use the special musical key to unlock the door of their music house. This key is called "G Clef" or "Tremble Clef",
We played a rythm game and then everybody was given the special music member card and the notebook for the Music Theory session.
On Friday, September 3rd we had our second lesson. 
We learned that a music interval is the distance between 2 music notes. 
There are 2 kinds of intervals: 
The ascending intervals: are the intervals that go UP and the descenting intervals: the intervals that go DOWN. To practise our new knowledge and to train our ear we had our first Auralia software fun game: 
The interval comparison game: we had to decide whether one interval was larger or smaller than the other. In level 1 both intervals start with the same note, are ascending from the first note and are smallet than one octave. We did so well in level 1 (10/10) that we decided to switch to level 2 where both intervals may be either ascending or descending (still using the same direction).
We were soooo good at this level too! Again our score was 100% correct. After that, we learned how to perform basic orchestra sychronization with the "Yellow submarine" song and the "All together now" song.

1 comment:

  1. Morning Ms Fay
    Thank you for what you are doing with my class. They really enjoy music and ALL came back singing Yellow Submarine. When I asked them where they learnt that song they all replied with great enthusiasm MS FAY!!!
    Thank you again
