
Music Gallery: more incredible pictures of the music symbols by Grade 2

 Enjoy some more picture of this incredibly inspirational work of our little grade 2s.

Now, Katrina will always remember what a time signature is!

Bass Clef has turned into a mommy with her baby sleeping together.

'We almost look alike!"

A natural can work also a bicycle!

See closer and you'll find that these two sweet eyes are the repeat sign on a barline...

A quarter rest is a baby :)

..and a single eighth note is a fisherman's rod.

Beamed eighth notes work very good as headphones too!

This is really funny!!!

A flat and a quarter are the best friends!

who said that music is not full of games?

Don't bully the flat!!

An accent can be a very dangerous thing!!

Another incredible inspiration from Shunta. A bass clef is a snail.

You can use a forte sign as a remote control for your Wii games!

This is scary!!!! (but so creative!!!)

If you want to set apart the ingredients in your hamburger, do it with a barline!

And a double barline can also be your front door!

Now isn't that beautiful? A treble clef is turned into a cello which reads...in bass clef!

A happy accented  note walking her dog :)

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