
Music Gallery: more incredible pictures of the music symbols by Grade 2

 Enjoy some more picture of this incredibly inspirational work of our little grade 2s.

Now, Katrina will always remember what a time signature is!

Bass Clef has turned into a mommy with her baby sleeping together.

'We almost look alike!"

A natural can work also a bicycle!

See closer and you'll find that these two sweet eyes are the repeat sign on a barline...

A quarter rest is a baby :)

..and a single eighth note is a fisherman's rod.

Beamed eighth notes work very good as headphones too!

This is really funny!!!

A flat and a quarter are the best friends!

who said that music is not full of games?

Don't bully the flat!!

An accent can be a very dangerous thing!!

Another incredible inspiration from Shunta. A bass clef is a snail.

You can use a forte sign as a remote control for your Wii games!

This is scary!!!! (but so creative!!!)

If you want to set apart the ingredients in your hamburger, do it with a barline!

And a double barline can also be your front door!

Now isn't that beautiful? A treble clef is turned into a cello which reads...in bass clef!

A happy accented  note walking her dog :)


Music Gallery; an incredibly creative world from Grade 2!

Children are an infinite inspiration for a teacher. The way they perceive the world around us can be a daily lesson for all of us to improve ourselves.

These are a few samples from the Music Gallery the Grade 2s created:

Did you ever imagine that you can cook on a whole rest?

poor beamed eights!


A forte becomes an umbrella!

amd a sharp, part of a well.

Here is how a slur can drag all these baby notes

He was walking on rainbow bridges. How poetic can that be? 

Have you ever imagined to use a single eighth note as a lamp?

and a quarter rest becomes a dancing man!


I've got issues with your tissues!!! A reminder that we need to throw away our tissues! (Grade 2)

Let's practice some more, so we can be perfect for our skit!

Watch the video and sing along!

What? You say you don't have any instruments to play some music? Watch this video and change your mind!

Nothing can stop us to play music!  Watch this video of Dicken Schrader, an American-Colombian video artist who performs with his kids a cover of the Depeche Mode, "Everything Counts" using various toys, an old keyboard, and household items.

Thank you, Mr. Costello for discovering this for us!!!


Treasure box! Exchange your points now!

The treasure box is open and will be open to the end of the week!

Exchange your points now!!!


Grade 6: Pumped up for Rock Music!

The new section in the Performing Arts classroom finished today and it contains posters of the bands we are working in the Music History lessons plus 50 logos of bands that contributed to music, old and new ones.

Grade 6s were really excited about our new addition:)


Grade 2: Because music is all about imagination and creativity !

Revising musical symbols and terminology can be... very boring sometimes!

But what about if you are given the opportunity to create new concepts based on the music symbols?

For example... what if a half note rest could turn into a very fast... skateboard?

Or, let's say that you could create a swimming pool out of a double barline?

Stay tuned... a lot more to come when we finish our music gallery :)

A half rest can become a basket full of love!

And the staff is created from the heart of a rainbow...

Take a look at this fancy eighth note girl!

Who could imagine a bass clef as a butterfly? 

Observe closely this one. A half rest can become a witch's cauldron!