
Grade 3 STOMP! Day One, Trials

As we are discovering different ways to produce rhythm and music we understand how sound changes when using different materials.
Day One with Grade 3 as each one of the students tries to find a nice rhythmic pattern which is easy to follow, easy to remember and...easy to practice!

Here are some pictures - scroll down and you'll see the video from their trials.

Tom's first try

Michael came up with a nice rhythmic pattern from ...toothbrush!

Victoria with her rainbow cup. Lately she decided that she is going to try a string and pen.

Wilson and his box with the two different sides.

Rachel came up with a very creative idea to use a kitchen grill

Dahuyn tries to reduce the sound by covering her plastic box with a towel

Adrien helped her to think a nice rhythmic pattern

...and then he performed his number using a bamboo stick and a racket!

Jong Wan brought a lot of different materials; the bowl with the stones won the battle!

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