
Welcome back !

Welcome all to an exciting and creative new school year!

 I'd like the  introduction to our music classes to be a little different than usual; 
an answer to  a question that has been floating around both scholarly and in popular culture for a while: 

Does music make you smarter?

The answer is 'no' in a superficial sense. 
In 1998, experimenters claimed that listening to a Mozart sonata would make your IQ increase by eight points. Subsequent work though, proved that such listening would sharpen a subject's spatial-temporal relationships momentarily. After a short while, the subject would go back to being just as smart as before. 
"But the more music education you have, the more the interconnections in the brain. Music changes the brain."
It's an observation that Patricia DeCorsey, coordinator of Lawrence University's Early Childhood Music Program in Appleton, has been making for years.
"By introducing children to music, so many areas of the brain benefit at the same time, like the mathematical and language centers," says DeCorsey. "It's really a super-advantage."

Music is always a physical activity. Musicians are small-muscle athletes. And not just the performer. A listener sitting still in a classical concert hall is having the area of the brain that controls motion stimulated. 

"Music makes you smarter because it helps you understand yourself as a human being and your relationship to the world," says Dr. Donald A. Hodges, Covington Distinguished Professor of Music Education and director of the Music Research Institute at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

"From the least to the most intelligent, everyone can have a meaningful music experience." 
And this, in conclusion is what we will try to achieve through our music lessons; all students to be able to  express their feelings through music and connect with this unique form of Art through a creative way full of wonderful and fun activities.

Our weekly schedule for each class :

Grade 1: Friday, 09:30 - 10:20
Grade 2: Tuesday, 09:30 - 10:20
Grade 3: Monday, 08:30 - 09:20
Grade 4: Monday, 09:30 - 10:20
Grade 5: Friday, 13:10 - 14:00
Grade 6: Tuesday, 13:10 - 14:00

Please, visit our  new Drama Class blog for more information about the new Drama Classes. (see tab link at the top)

My best wishes to all,
Ms. Faye

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