
January 16 - 20, 2012

Hi everybody,

Don't forget to do your homework for this week and especially for Grades 6 and 3 don' forget to study for your tests!

More details :

Grade 1: ON MONDAY you will have a quiz on all the notes and rhythmic duration we have learned. The test will include some music maths where you will be asked to add durations in order to find the total
(please refer to the notes you already have)

Grade 3: ON WEDNESDAY you will take a test on CELLO so please make sure you study well your notes.

Grade 4: DON'T forget your presentations on baroque architecture, Caravaggio and El Greco.

Grade 6: ON TUESDAY you will take a FULL INTERVAL TEST including identification of intervals as per size and type and inversion too. You have to study both your notes and the inversion list.
For the students that have joined HIS after the Interval Chapter was completed, you will have a simple test on notes identification and music maths.

A brief reminder for Grade 5: Rubens, Rembrandt, Caravaggio and El Greco presentations due date is Friday January 20th.
Versailles Palace and Gardens presentation due date is Friday February 3rd.

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