
Rules of the game

The hunt is going to take place in two parts.

Part A will include Music Theory and Music Maths.
Part B will include Music Listening.

Every team will have 3 leaders:
one for the Music Theory: "MTL", 
one for the Music Maths: "MML" 
and one for Music Listening: "MLL".

Each of every leaders will be responsible on deciding for the correct answer given so as the hunting can go on.

During the game the leaders will take the first hint - the whole team will have to  decide upon the correct answer, then acording the list the leaders will orders someone of their team to bring the 2nd hint to them.  
The hints will be all over the school.

Team 1 always starts first: 1st grade, 3rd grade and 5th grade are team 1
Team 2 are: 2nd grade, 4th grade and 6th grade.

We will use a stop watch for timing the correct times; the winner is the team who has managed to find the three music instruments in the shorter time.

In Part 1 - Music Theory - there will be laminated papers/tiles on the floor with notes written in letters (for example: La will be A , Do will be C, G sharp will be G#)

The MTL will be given the first hint: a staff with a note written on. They have to decide which is the correct tile that represents this note. The next hint will be hidden below the correct answer/tile.

The final tile will lead the team to the spot the first music instrument is hidden.

The time will stop when they bring this instruments to me- then Music Maths Part begin.
This time the MML has to find the correct answer in an music duration math problem. That will lead the team to a certain number/tile.
Below the correct number there will be the next hidden hint.

Time will stop again when they bring the second treasure to me.

The final part has to do with listening.

They will listen to a certain music score - then they have to decide about the correct song title or the composer and stand on the right tile.
If they step on a wrong tile, 5 seconds will be added to their final time.
If two of them step on two different tile they will be canceled.

All the time laps will be added and the winner will be the team with the shorter time.

The time will be counted on min, sec and milisec; in the unlikely possibility that the two teams are equal then we go to the "sudden death".


  1. I finally know all the rules! This is going to be scary!!!!!

  2. Yeah!!!! LIKE REAL PIRATES!!!!!
