
How to prepare before performing

The day we will perform our show is really close now!
As you already know, performing for a crowd sometimes can be a nail-biting experience!
With a proper preparation you will be able to give a dynamic performance that everyone will enjoy...including YOU!

Here below you can find some good advices to prepare yourself for the day of your performance:

  1. PRACTISE until you can perform in your sleep! The more you rehearse, the better you get - but be careful: try NOT to memorize your mistakes; A mistake accidentally repeated over and over is more likely to appear AND in YOUR performance. Perfect practise is more likely to yield perfect results!
  2.  Perform to YOUR FAMILY. The more you perform in front of people, the more comfortable you will feel to perform in front of a crowd. Try to perform EXACTLY as you would on stage.
  3. TAKE NOTES OF YOUR TROUBLE SPOTS. Highlight the lines in your script that you easily forget and practise these areas OVER and OVER AGAIN until you can perform them perfectly every time.
  4. Get adequate sleep before your performance. Sleep deprivation can inhibit judgement and reaction time and can cause stress and anxiety.
  5. EAT A HEALTHY SNACK AND DRINK SOME WATER before you perform. Right before you go on stage, be sure that you stop by the restroom. Save yourself any embarrassment and don''t consume anything that could cause flatulence such as beans, cabbage or broccoli.
  6. MAKE USE OF YOUR SPARE TIME. If you have to wait backstage before you perform don't waste time thinking what could go wrong. Run the script in your mind and listen to the music. This will help you to focus.
  7. EXPECT NERVOUSNESS! Even the most experienced performers can get butterflies in front of a crowd. Instead of letting this hinder your performance,  channel your jitters into energy for your act.
APPEAR CONFIDENT. Remain calm, hold your head up and SMILE!  The more confident you appear, the more confident you'll feel!

Try to follow the above advises! They have been tested from many others before and they really WORK!




  1. okay i read it! :D

  2. Hope you remember them too, Michael!!! :) :) :)

  3. Thank you for the advices, finish reading it.

  4. Well done Jenny! I believe we all gonna have a great time during this performance!
