
MUSIC TREASURE HUNT: Grade 3 VS Grade 4: dates and links to practice!

Grade 3 VS Grade 4:      March 20th 13:10 - 15:00

A Part: Music Theory: 
Semitones and Tones
Music Math: every rhythmic duration up to 16ths and rests

B Part: (Drama and Music): It's all about Musicals! (click on the title and practice with the link)

MUSIC TREASURE HUNT: Grade 1 VS Grade 2: dates and links to practice!

Grade 1 VS Grade 2:      March 18th 13:10 - 15:00

A Part: Music Theory: 
Identify the name of the music note in the Treble Clef
Music Math: whole notes, half notes, quarter notes and rests

B Part: Music History: (click on each link to watch the video and practice)

Also (No links): 
Hungarian Rhapsody by Liszt, 
Rhapsody in Blue by Gershwin, 
The Bat (Overture) by Strauss and
 The Barber of Rossini (Overture) by Rossini


Pictures from the Students of the Month for Performing Arts

September: Grade 1_ Eline
Grade 2_ Shunta
Grade 3_Adrien
Grade 4_Mackin
Grade 5_ Anita
Grade 6_Haruka

October: Grade 1_ Teddy
Grade 2_Jacob
Grade 3_Richard
Grade 4_Angus
Grade 5_Teressa
Grade 6_Bryan Kang

November: Grade 1_Ashley Wang
Grade 2_Kisa
Grade 3_Isaline
Grade 4_Emily
Grade 5_Shawn
Grade 6_Zoe

December: Grade 1_Dunkan
Grade 2_ Taichi
Grade 3_Victoria
Grade 4_Elsa
Grade 5_Lucille
Grade 6_Bryan Ying
January: Grade 1_Kaylee
Grade 2_Victoria
Grade 3_Ashley
Grade 4_Michelle
Grade 5_Yehna
Grade 6_Alkmini