
Grade 6: reminder_ for the Test

 6 Graders don't forget!

Your Music History Test on Medieval and Renaissance is October 16th. (Next Tuesday)

If you need any extra help from me - please let me know I would be very happy to help!

Grade 1 - Working on Music History

Music is fun but is more fun when we can listen and watch cartoons!

A wonderful and amusing way to introduce famous classical songs to very young ages is music combined with animation.
We have already explored :

The Firebird by Igor Stravinsky (please click on the link to watch)    Firebird 

The Carnival of The Animals, by Saint Saens
(click on the link: The Carnival of the Animals

This Friday more to come!

Grade 4 - Latest News - Semitones and Tones

We just finished our Test in Medieval Period of Music and on Monday, October 15th we will start revising (and learning for the new students) the Semitones and Tones.

We will work on the keyboard and we will play the keys on the piano in our class room.

How can you ascend and descend semitones and tones using accidentals?
What happens to a DO note when we add a flat?

What note does it become?

Grade 3 News :)

As we have already been introduced to the History of Music and the 4 basic families of the music instruments, we are starting to break down to some exciting instruments of each category.

Cello: All about it!

What does the name come from?
How did it ended up in this shape and form?
How many strings does it have?
What are the names of each part?
Some fun facts about cello
And a lot of cello music !!!

We will have a test on Cello on October 22nd. (Multiple Choice)