
Lattest news! Grade 3

Hello 3rd graders and parents!

It's good to see you again and a warm welcome to the new little faces!

These previous weeks we revised everything we know in music and we had fun with music math worksheets.
We learned how to use our knowledge in music theory so we can actually sing a song by ourselves:
We identified the notes, wrote down the names, practise with the rhythm and finally, sing it with the help of the piano ... all by ourselves!
In fact we haven't heard this song before so, when we did listen to it,  we all had a big (and wonderful) smile finding out that we didn't do any mistake at all!

If you wish to sing the song with your child, please click at the link:

Great Green Gobs   

Lattest News! Grade 2

Hello, 2nd graders and parents!

Welcome back !
These first weeks in music we have been revising everything we've learnt so far:
Through the "Music is Fun" project we created Codes with note names and letters,
we identified the notes in the simple version of "Ode to Joy" and then sung it all together.
We revised our music math knowledge through "It all adds up" fun rhythm exercises and performed
rhythm in an Orf band.

For the Code Maker:

A - La
B - Si
C- Do
D - Re
E - Mi
F - Fa
G - Sol

Latest News! Grade 1

Hello first graders and parents!

During the first weeks in music class we have learned that there is a magic world, the "Music World" inhabited by little funny symbols that are called "Music Notes".
These little symbols leave in a strange house made out of 5 lines; its name is "Stave".
The only key that can unlock the Stave is the "Treble Clef".
This week we were introduced to music math. We discovered that we can add notes as we can with numbers!
We worked on the "Add it UP" project which helps little students to understand the concept of duration in music.
We learned that:

  • Whole Note is 4 beats
  • Half Note  is 2 beats and,
  • a Quarter Note  is 1 beat.