
Grade 1: Everything we learned this week! (Sep 26 - 30)

During our Music Theory lesson, we learned the shape and the placement of the notes on the stave.
We listened to different pitch and tried to guess which note is lower or higher than the other (ear training).
We don't have any homework.

During our Music History lesson, we learned everything about how different types of brass instruments look like.
Next Friday we have a test on winds, strings and brass. (Identify the picture and match with the right name)

Please, make sure that your child brings everything needed for music class every time.


Kindergarten: Ear Training on basic notes duration

Tricia already knows how many blocks she needs to colour...

Jerrick has already finished and helps everybody else!
 ... and Ashley

it's a hard work, but we have lollipos to win!

2nd Grade, learning accidentals!

Victoria tries to reach a MI Pitch

Richard is jumping to a SOL sharp Pitch
It seems he did it!

Ayane is counting her steps very carefully...

Mami in action!

Michael is doing a flip to Sol flat ...

And Masa is heading to a Fa flat note!

Tom you almost did it!

Wilson, pretty confident!

Ee Heng tries to touch the Fa sharp without falling down...


Grade 6: Everything we learned this week!

Music Theory:

We practised the circle of fifth and how to create a Major Scale.
Next Tuesday, September 27th, Quiz on Major Scales and Note Degrees.

Music Terminology and Analysis:

Subcategories of musical texture: Range and Density. We watched videos as examples on the human voice range and on the way different instrumentation has effect on our feelings while listening to music.
Homework for next Friday, September 30th : Present to the class a melody first with the original instrumentation and then 2 other options, with different instruments performing it. Analyze how the density is affected  with  each performance.


Grade 5: Everything we learned this week!

Music Theory:

Specific Intervals : Small intervals 2nd. Augmented, Major and Minor. Diatonic and Chromatic semitones. 3rd Intervals : Diminished, Minor, Major and Augmented. If you were absent and you didn't take the notes given, please check with me.
Homework on intervals.

Music History:

Music Lesson by V. L Wooten: "The Groove"
Homework: Create your own definition for  the music term Groove. 

Grade 4: Everything we learned this week!

Music Theory:

We connected our music theory knowledge with music terminology: When we use a slur, we are actually performing the "legato" technique. 
We had the first lesson on Rhythmic Dictation (Dictee).
No homework for next week

Music History:

We had a Quiz on "Medieval Music".

Grade 3: Everything we learned thi week

Music Theory:

We did a review on the Time Signatures. We also reviewed the note names and the basic duration of the notes by watching a special music education video.
Next Tuesday (September 26th we will have a quiz on different time signatures)

Music History:

We talked about the four basic families of musical instruments. We did analytical the string family and watched a lot of video examples on various strings, classical and electric.
No homework for next week.

Grade 2: Everything we learned this week!

Music Theory:

We learned everything about flats and how the make the pitch of the note go a half pitch lower. We had fun trying to step on the correct floor tile and to choose wisely: "Sharp or Flat?".
We have no homework for next week.

Music History:

We were introduced to the family of the winds and we saw a lot of videos for woodwinds, such as flute, clarinet, saxophone etc.
We have no homework for next week.

What we learned this week: Grade 1

Music Theory:

 We learned everything about pitch. We learned how to distinguish a high from a low pitch note and we played a funny game  trying to place ourselves on the correct floor tile.
We don't have a homework.

Music History:

This week was the woodwind week. We watched many videos of flute performances, clarinets , saxophones, bassoons and harmonicas. We practised  on our work sheet trying to match the correct picture with the correct name.


Homework for this week (September 13th - 16th)

Tuesday, September 13th:
No homework for  Grade 2 and Grade 6

Wednesday, September 14th:
Grade 3:  Please make sure you have practised Solfege 4/4, level 2 first page.
Grade 4: No homework

Thursday, September 15th:
Grade 6:  4 links for music textures: Monophonic, Biophonic, Polyphonic and Homophonic,
Make sure your email includes the following for each texture link:
Title of the music piece
How many voices (if polyphonic)
Type of texture

Friday, September 16th
No homework for Grade 1, Grade 2 and Grade 5.


Monday, September 5th: Grades 1,3,4,5

Grade 1:
We learned how to draw a treble clef and how the notes in the music world need it to unlock their music house, the stave.  We learned to identify the lines and the spaces on a musical stave.
Homework for Monday, September 19th:  Draw a picture of the Music World, including the musical house, (stave) and the the key to open it (Treble clef). Make sure that the stave has 5 lines and 4 spaces.

Grade  3: 
Homework:  Finish the revision notes given in class. Due date: Monday, September 19th.

Grade 4: 
We learned about Ties and Slurs. Please read the notes given and do your homework (back side of the photocopy given).  Due Date:  Monday. September 19th.

Grade 5:
Revision on intervals: Place the correct pitch above the tonic. If you haven't finished the photo copy given, in class please finish it by September 19th.


Homework for next week (September 5 - 9)

Grade 1:
No Homework.

Grade 2:
For Monday, September 5th
Time Signature Concept: 2/4  (Terminology note book:  Understand, learn and remember the new words)
Homework: Practise Level 1 in the Rhythm Copy

Grade 3:
No Homework

Grade 4:
No Homework

Grade 5:
No Homework

Grade 6:
1st Lesson in Music Analysis:
For Thursday, September 8th
Fill in the blanks in the sheet given (Internet search)
Listen to the audio music in the CD given and analyse in basic musical phrases the first page of the Sonatina op.151.n1 by Anton Diabelli. Try to find the Opening Section (Static Harmony) and the Closing Section (Dynamic Harmony and Cadence) Use different colours for each of the above parts.

Please contact me at: fay.his@gmail.com for any further info about your homeworks

Have a nice weekend!
Ms. Faye

Weekly Schedule for every Grade

Please be prepared each week for attending one or more of the below subjects:

Grade 1:

Monday: Music Theory, Ear Training, Solfege, Dictee, Terminology, Singing/Composing

Friday:   Classical and Modern History of Music, Music Analysis

Grade 2:

Tuesday:  Music Theory, Ear Training, Solfege, Dictee, Terminology, Singing/Composing

Friday: Classical and Modern History of Music, Music Analysis

Grade 3:

Monday: Music Theory, Ear Training, Solfege, Dictee, Terminology, Singing/Composing

Wednesday: Classical and Modern History of Music, Music Analysis, Music Presentations

Grade 4:

Monday:  Music Theory, Ear Training, Solfege, Dictee, Terminology, Singing/Composing, Garage Band

Wednesday: Classical and Modern History of Music, Music Analysis, Music Presentations

Grade 5:

Monday: Music Theory, Ear Training, Solfege, Dictee, Terminology, Singing/Composing, Garage Band

Classical and Modern History of Music, Music Analysis, Music Presentations

Grade 6:

Tuesday: Music Theory, Ear Training, Solfege, Dictee, Terminology, Singing/Composing, Garage Band

Classical and Modern History of Music, Music Analysis, Music Presentations