
rests and names: especially for 4th graders!!!!

Dear 4th graders,

Your music test in the elements of music theory will contain rests also :)!

Please, take a look at the picture below - it will help you remember the names!


4th, 5th grade and 6th grade music test: due dates / helping notes!

Hi all!

Please take a look at the terminology below, it will help you study for your music test (due date: 4th grade - January 6th, 14:00 , 5th grade- January 7th, 13:00 and 6th grade- December 16, 13:00)

  • Stave /Staff: the 5 lines we use to write music notation on.

  • Clef: Treble (G) and Bass (F). The music symbol that indicates the pitch of the written music notes

  • Stem: the line which extends from the notehead. Look at the picture below to see the parts of an eight note:

  • Bar lines: The vertical lines drawn through the staff to mark off metrical units:

  • Accidentals: The symbols which mark a music note and alter their pitch. There are 3 accidentals:  Sharp (+ a semitone or half pitch), Flat (- a semitone or half pitch) and Neutral (brings the note in it's original form)

  • Dynamic markings:
 p: piano (soft)
mp: mezzo piano (moderately soft)
pp: pianissimo (almost as a whisper)

f: forte (loud)
mf: mezzo forte (moderately loud)
ff: fortissimo (very loud)

Diminuendo: from forte to piano

Crescendo: from piano to forte

Photo album from Beauty and the Beast

Our performance in "Beauty and the Beast" on Friday went amazingly well!

What a feeling for everyone!

Thank you all for this great show, for your time and patience during the rehearsals, and for your indescribable energy and enthusiasm during the performance!



So....what's next??/